Name | Jessica Lackey |
Birthday | March 7 |
Instruments | my voice and my body |
Position | singer/dancer, Queen Bee, H.B.I.C. |
Quote | "And all the monkeys aren't in the zoo Everyday you meet quite a few So you see, it's all up to you You can be better than you are You could be swingin' on a star" -Frank Sinatra |
Lived | Niagara Falls NY, Ft. Lauderdale FL, & Tallahassee FL. |
Favorite Touring Experience | Too many... |
Inspiration | My husband and family (including my pets ;) |
Favorite Color (other than black) | Hot Pink |
Favorite Video Games | Bejeweled, Mah Jongg, Sextuple...puzzle games in general. wii sports, Rayman's Rabid Rabbits |
Favorite TV Shows | So You Think You Can Dance (dance dance dance), Rome, Criminal Minds, Law & Order, Law & Order SVU, Law & Order Criminal Intent, Oprah and Dr. Phil. |
Favorite Movies |  Breakfast at Tiffany's, Nightmare Before Christmas, Fame (the original) and any old musicals, Harry Potter (et al), The Secret of Nihm, Edward Scissorhands, Princess Bride, My fair Lady, The Adventure of Baron Munchausen, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Legend, Monsters Inc., Up, Christmas claymation wonders (Rudolph, Frosty, etc.), Goonies, The Transporter, 13th Warrior, Seven Pounds, I am Legend. I just really like movies and i can't think of anymore |
Favorite Book | The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho |
Likes | Chocolate, Harry Potter, cheesy vampire fiction, bad romance novels, Neil Gaiman, Caitlin Kiernan, Poppy Z. Brite, Stephen King, Rottweilers (well dogs in general), CATS (and also kitties and kitty cats), Greek & Roman Mythology, Yoga, Make-up, shoes, Clothes, anything that has wings (IE Fairies, Angels, Gargoyles, etc), Horses, Elephants, Animals, smiles, good red wine, sushi, italian food, potatoes, juicy steak, Buffalo Wings, Hot Sauce, Vodka (axa potato juice). I dig pale scrawny guys with big hair, pretty girls, babies, people with a sense of humor, Rainbows, HumV's, Corvettes, mini-vans, Strongbad, The Cure, Kate Bush, Peter Murphy, David Bowie, Harley Davidsons, traveling, beaches, snow, rats, sour punch straws & Gummy worms, iPods, big ball gowns, big old houses. |
Dislikes | Anchovies, Kitty litter, Dirty Dishes, Roaches & Spiders, Bees, exo-skeletons, people who invade my personal space without being invited, cellulite, selfish people, being ignored, bad breath, quitters, whiners, liars. |
Measurements | Bigger than yours ;) |